A must-have travel organizer kit for every individual. A place for your home keys, your travel documents, you essential first-aid and your chargers and gadgets. Keep your home keys in this bag and throw it in your purse. It will be easy to find when you return and the keys with not scratch you phone or get in your way when you are searching for something! The travel-documents pouch is perfect to carry you printouts, passports, IDs and some currency. The gadgets bag is extremely handy to carry your chargers, pen-drives, powerbank etc. The medicine case is very handy to carry a few first-aid items every travel requires.

For domestic buyers, orders are shipped through registered domestic courier companies and /or speed post only. Orders are shipped within 2-3 days or as per the delivery date agreed at the time of order confirmation and delivering of the shipment subject to Courier Company / post office norms.
Arka Home Products LLP is not liable for any delay in delivery by the courier company / postal authorities and only guarantees to hand over the consignment to the courier company or postal authorities within 2-3 days from the date of the order and payment or as per the delivery date agreed at the time of order confirmation. Delivery of all orders will be to the address provided by the buyer. Delivery of our services will be confirmed on your mail ID as specified during registration. For any issues in utilizing our services you may contact our helpdesk on +91 9156648895 or support@arkahomeproducts.com